

NII検索 検索条件 和洋区分 図 書 雑 誌
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1Public and parliamentary speeches / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson and Bruce L. Kinzer ; introduction by Bruce L. Kinzer ; textual introduction by John M. Robson ; [1] - : set : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1988. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 28-29).図書
2Newspaper writings / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by Ann P. Robson and John M. Robson ; introduction by Ann P. Robson ; textual introduction by John M. Robson ; : [set] : cn - [4]. -- Univiersity of Toronto Press, 1986. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 22-25).図書
3The later letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873 / edited by Francis E. Mineka and Dwight N. Lindley ; [1] : cn - [4] : cn. -- University of Toronto Press. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 14-17).図書
4Additional letters of John Stuart Mill / edited by Marion Filipiuk, Michael Laine and John M. Robson ; introduction by Marion Filipiuk ; : Toronto, : London. -- University of Toronto Press, 1991. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 32).図書
5Miscellaneous writings / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson ; : uk, : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1989. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 31).図書
6Writings on India / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson, Martin Moir, and Zawahir Moir ; introduction by Martin Moir ; textual introduction by John M. Robson ; : uk, : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1990. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 30).図書
7Journals and debating speeches / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson ; [1] - : set : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1988. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 26-27).図書
8Essays on equality, law, and education / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, John M. Robson ; introduction by Stefan Collini ; : cn, : uk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1984. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 21).図書
9Essays on French history and historians / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, John M. Robson ; introduction by John C. Cairns ; : cn, : uk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1985. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 20).図書
10Essays on England, Ireland, and the Empire / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, John M. Robson ; introduction by Joseph Hamburger ; : cn, : uk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1982. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 6).図書
11Die Praktische Philosophie Schellings und die gegenwrtige Rechtsphilosophie / herausgegeben von Hans-Martin Pawlowski, Stefan Smid und Rainer Specht.. -- Frommann-Holzboog . -- (Spekulation und Erfahrung. ; Bd. 13 Untersuchungen).図書
12Philosophie und Revolution : Schellings Verhltnis zum Politischen im Revolutionsjahr 1848 / von Martin Schraven.. -- Frommann-Holzboog . -- (Spekulation und Erfahrung. ; Bd. 11 Untersuchungen).図書
13International political economy / Jeffry A. Frieden, David A. Lane. ; pbk. -- 2nd ed.. -- Unwin Hyman .図書
14Laws / with an English translation by R.G. Bury. ; volume 2, v. 2. -- (Plato in twelve volumes ; 11)(The Loeb classical library ; 192).図書
15Laws / with an English translation by R.G. Bury. ; volume 1, v. 1, v. 2. -- (Plato in twelve volumes ; 10)(The Loeb classical library ; 187).図書
16The republic / Plato ; with an English translation by Paul Shorey ; v. 1 : us - v. 2 : uk. -- Harvard University Press, 1930. -- (The Loeb classical library ; 237, 276 . Plato : in twelve volumes ; 5-6).図書
17Philosophie et droits de l′homme : de Kant  Marx / Bernard Bourgeois.. -- Presses universitaires de France . -- (Questions).図書
18Political theory and power / Sarah Joseph.. -- E.J. Brill . -- (Monographs and theoretical studies in sociology and anthropology in honour of Nels Anderson ; publication 26).図書
19Political romanticism / Carl Schmitt ; translated by Guy Oakes..図書
20Critique and crisis : enlightenment and the pathogenesis of modern society / Reinhart Koselleck.. -- 1st MIT Press ed.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書






